Sahithyan's S1
What's this?
I have included all my 1st semester short notes of Engineering as a website. Maintaining this notes helped me get 4.0 GPA in my first semester.
You can contact me if something is missing or you find anything wrong. This wouldn't be possible without the help of my friends. Huge thanks for everyone involved.
- Indexable. Exercise books are not.
- Accessible from everywhere.
- Helpful to everyone.
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If you want to support my work, you can get the notes as a 380 paged PDF from my page on Buy Me a Coffee for $6.
I have spent a lot of time on this and I would appreciate your support.
Content Included
All the content except the images in this website is shared under
Images are either mine, or from the internet or from the lecture
Electrical Fundamentals (EE1040)
Electrical Installation
Fluid Mechanics (CE1023)
Mathematics (MA1014)
IntroductionMatrix MultiplicationTransposeMore Types of MatricesDeterminantAdjointInverseElementary TransformationsEchelon FormSystem of Linear EquationsRankSolutions of Homogenous SystemsSolution of Non-homogenous SystemsEigenvalues & EigenvectorsOrthogonalOrthonormalTraceDiagonalizationCayley-Hamilton TheoremMatrix Norms
Complex Analysis
Real Analysis
IntroductionSet theorySet of NumbersContinued Fraction ExpansionField AxiomsCompleteness AxiomOrder AxiomsRelationsFunctionsCompositionCountabilityLimitsKnown LimitsContinuityContinuity TheoremsDifferentiabilityExtremumsOther TheoremsHigher Order DerivativesTaylor's TheoremSequenceCauchy SequenceSubsequenceSeriesConvergence TestsKnown SeriesAlternating SeriesStrategy for SeriesPower SeriesTaylor SeriesSequence of FunctionsUniformly CauchySeries of FunctionsRiemann Zeta Function
Riemann Integration
IntroductionPartitionRiemann SumRefinementsUpper & Lower integralRiemann IntegrableCauchy CriterionTheorems on IntegrabilityProperties of IntegralsSequential Characterization of IntegrabilityIVT for IntegralsGenerlized IVTConverging FunctionsFundamental Theorem of CalculusImproper Riemann IntegralsGamma functionBeta function