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Power and Power factor

  • In a purely resistive AC circuit, the energy delivered by the source will be dissipated in the form of the heat by the resistance.
  • In a purely capacitive or purely inductive circuit, all of the energy will be stored during one half of each cycle, and then returned to the source during the other half cycle – there will be no net conversion to heat.
  • When there is both a resistive component and a reactive component, some energy will be stored, and some will be converted to heat during each cycle.

Power equations

Purely resistive circuit

Suppose a circuit with load resistance is supplied a voltage of .

Instantaneous power dissipated by the load is given by:

Always: .

Purely inductive circuit

Suppose a circuit with inductor is supplied a voltage of .

Instantaneous power dissipated by the load is given by:

Purely capacitive circuit

Suppose a circuit with inductor is supplied a voltage of .

Instantaneous power dissipated by the load is given by:

Power of a general load

Consider a general load with both resistive and reactive components. Depending on how inductive or capacitive the reactive component, the phase shift between voltage and current phasor lies between and .

Suppose the circuit is supplied a voltage of . And the current phasor shifts in phase angle.

This ends up with:

Average of over 1 cycle

Types of power

Reactive Power

Power delivered to/from a pure energy storage element is known as reactive power.

  • Average power consumed by a pure energy storage element is zero.
  • Current associated with it is not . Transmission lines, transformers, fuses, etc. must all be designed to be capable of withstanding this current.
  • Loads with energy storage elements will draw large currents and require heavy duty wiring even though little average power is consumed.
  • In all electrical and electronic systems, it is the true power (the resistive power) that does the work, the reactive power simply shuttles back and forth between the source and the load.
  • This means that the apparent power supplied is a combination of the true and the reactive power.

Active power

Apparent power

The apparent power is essentially the effective power that the source “sees”

Power factor

In the above equation of , the is called the power factor.

Power factor is:

  • leading when leads
  • lagging when lags

Power triangle

Power triangle

  • Take phasor as the reference.
  • Draw and phasors.