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Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

Study of Fluids Mechanics include

  • Fluid Statics - Equilibrium
  • Fluid Kinematics - Physical aspects of motion
  • Fluid Dynamics - Physical aspects of motion and causes of motion

Normal Forces

Forces acting perpendicular to the plane of a surface.

Shear Forces

Forces acting in the plane of a surface. When a fluid is at rest, no shear forces act on it.


A fluid is defined as a substance which flows continuously under the action of shear forces no matter how small the forces may be.

Liquids and gasses are considered fluids. Unlike solids, fluids don’t show permanent resistance to deformation. Fluids are considered a continuum (continuously filled matter). We consider their bulk behaviours to solve fluid mechanics problems.

Properties at a point - defined for a fluid particle.

Fluid Particle

Very small volume of fluid containing the point concerned.

Average values of properties for fluid particles are considered. Properties are assumed to vary gradually between particles.