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Sahithyan's S1 — Mathematics

Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors


Characteristic Polynomial

Let be a matrix.


Roots of the equation are the eigenvalues of .


The column vectors satisfying the equation .

Normalized eigenvectors

An eigenvector with the magnitude (norm) of . Normalizing factor of any eigenvector is:


Norm of a column or row matrix is denoted by and defined as:

Algebraic Multiplicity

If the characteristic polynomial consists of a factor of the form and is not a factor of the characteristic polynomial then is the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalue .


Set of all eigenvalues.

Spectral Radius

Linear Independence of Eigenvectors

Suppose is a set of eigenvectors. is a set of scalars.

All those eigenvectors are independent iff:

For special matrices

Real symmetric matrix

Suppose is a symmetric matrix with all real entries. Then:

  • The eigenvalues of are all real:
  • The eigenvectors of (corresponding to distinct values of ) are mutually orthogonal
  • and have the same eigenvalues

Upper triangular matrix

The eigenvalues are the diagonal entries.