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Sahithyan's S1 — Mathematics

Sequence of Functions

Types of Convergence

Pointwise convergence

Here depends on .


  • on

Uniformly convergence

Here depends on only. Implies pointwise convergence.


  • on

Uniform convergence tests

Supremum test

Suppose is sequence of bounded functions. converges to uniformly iff:

Properties of uniform convergence


If is continuous and converging to , then is also continuous.


Explained in Converging Functions | Riemann Integration.


Uniform convergence-differentiation pair doesn’t go as smooth like integration was.

Suppose is a sequence of differentiable functions, and they uniformly converges to . Differentiability of is not guaranteed. An example is:

is differentiable but is only differentiable on .


If (all conditions must be met):

  1. is differentiable on
  2. converges (pointwise) for some
  3. converges to uniformly on


  1. converges to uniformly on
  2. is differentiable on
  3. OR in other words converges to uniformly