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Sahithyan's S1 — Mathematics

Improper Riemann Integrals

Iniitally Riemann integrals are defined only for bounded functions defined on a set of compact intervals.

Type 1

A function that is not integrable at one endpoint of the interval.

Suppose is integrable on .

Can be similarly defined on the other endpoint. The above integral converges iff the limit exists and finite. Otherwise diverges.

Type 2

A function defined on unbounded interval (including ).

Suppose is integrable on .

Can be similarly defined on the other endpoint. The above integral converges iff the limit exists and finite. Otherwise diverges.

Type 3

A function that is undefined at finite number of points. The integral can be split into multiple integrals of type 1. Similarly integrals from to can be defined.

Convergence of improper integrals is similar to the convergence of series.

Absolute convergence test

Common integrals

The above integrals converge iff is in the integrating (open) interval. Converges to in that case.

Both of the above integrals converges. Direct comparison test can be used.

  • For the 1st integral, can be used
  • For the 2nd integral, can be used