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Introduction to Differential Equations

Equations which are composed of an unknown function and its derivatives.


Ordinary Differential Equations

When a differential equation involves one independent variable, and one or more dependent variables.

An example:

Partial Differential Equations

When a differential equation involves more than one independent variables, and more than one dependent variables.


A linear differential equation is a differential equation that is defined by a linear polynomial in the unknown function (dependant variable) and its derivatives, that is an equation of the form:


  • are all differentiable functions of , doesn’t depend on
  • is the unknown function
  • denotes the th derivative of


Nonlinear differential equations are any equations that cannot be written in the above form. In particular, these include all equations that include:

  • and/or its derivatives raised to any power other than
  • nonlinear functions of or any of its derivative
  • any product or function of these

Properties of Differential Equations


Highest order derivative.


Power of highest order derivative.

Picard’s Existence and Uniqueness Theorem

Consider the below IVP.

Suppose: is an open neighbourhood in containing the point .

If and are continuous functions in , then the IVP has a unique solution in some closed interval containing .