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Completeness Axiom

Let be a non empty subset of .

  • is the upper bound of if:
  • is bounded above if has an upper bound
  • Maximum element of : if and is an upper bound of
  • Supremum of , is the smallest upper bound of
  • Maximum is a supremum. Supremum is not necessarily a maximum.
  • is the lower bound of if:
  • is bounded below if has a lower bound
  • Minimum element of : if and is a lower bound of
  • Infimum of , is the largest lower bound of
  • Minimum is a infimum. Infimum is not necessarily a minimum.


Let be a non empty subset of .

  • Say is an upper bound of . Then iff:
  • Say is a lower bound of . Then iff:

Required proofs

Completeness axioms of real numbers

  • Every non empty subset of which is bounded above has a supremum in
  • Every non empty subset of which is bounded below has a infimum in

Completeness axioms of integers

  • Every non empty subset of which is bounded above has a maximum
  • Every non empty subset of which is bounded below has a minimum

Two important theorems