Sahithyan's S1 — Mechanics
Kinetic Analysis
D’Alembert’s principle
By this principle, a particle or a system of particles moving with a constant acceleration is known as in dynamic equilibrium.
For a particle
- resultant applied force - mass of the particle - acceleration of the particle
For a system of particles
The equation can be rewritten as:
- resultant applied force - mass of a particle - acceleration of a particle - total mass - acceleration of the center of mass
Kinetics of a Rigid Body
Both translational and rotational aspects of the motion must be considered.
- resultant applied force - mass of the body - acceleration of the body - moment of the resultant force - mass moment of inertia - angular acceleration of the body
General plane motion
- moment about center of mass - mass moment of inertia about center of mass - angular acceleration of the body
Kinetic energy
Center of percussion
The point on an object attached to a pivot where a perpendicular impact will produce no reactive shock at the pivot.
Translational and rotational motions cancel at the pivot when an impulsive blow is struck at the center of percussion.
- Center of percussion - Center of gravity - Pivot
For a uniform rod: