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  • long ()
  • axis of the beam is straight
  • constant cross-section throughout its length

Classified by supporting conditions

First 3 are the mandatory ones in s1.

u.d.l means uniformly distributed load.

Simply supported beamSimply supported beam
Cantilevered beamCantilevered beam
Overhanging beamOverhanging beam
Propped cantilevered beamPropped cantilevered beam
Continuous beamContinuous beam
Fixed beamFixed beam

At a section

At a section

  • - Normal force / Axial force
  • - Shear forces along and axis
  • - Twisting moment / Torque
  • - Bending moments about and axis

Degress of freedom

A plane member have 3 degrees of freedom. Any of the 3 can be restrained.

  • Displacement in -direction
  • Displacement in -direction
  • Rotation about -direction


Sign convention

  • Bending moment
    • Hogging (curves upwards in the middle) is (+) ve
    • Sagging (curves downwards in the middle) is (-) ve
  • Shear force
    • Clockwise shear is (+) ve.
    • Counterclockwise shear is (-) ve.

Distributed load, shear force & bending moment

Suppose a beam is under a distributed load of per unit length.

Deflection of a beam

Suppose a simply supported beam is applied a load of at the mid-span.


  • - Maximum stress
  • - Deflection
  • - Load
  • - Span length
  • - Young’s modulus
  • - Second moment of cross-sectional area