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Functional Materials

Classification of materials based on whether most important function they perform is either mechanical, structural, biological, electronic, magnetic, or optical.

These materials have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion with an external stimuli.

List of properties

  • Electrical properties
    • Piezoelectricity
    • Ferroelectricity
    • Superconductivity
    • Capacitance
  • Optical properties
    • Photoluminescence
    • Photochromism
    • Fluorescence
    • Photoelectricity
  • Magnetic Properties
    • Diamagnetism
    • Ferromagnatism
    • Ferrimagnetism
    • Paramagnetism
    • Anti-ferri magnetism
  • Chemical Properties / Reactivity properties
    • reactivity with other substances
    • catalytic properties