Sahithyan's S1 — Properties of Materials
Miller Indices
Any vertex can be chosen as the origin.
- Minus noted with a bar
- Addition and subtraction is carried out like vectors
- Atom/Vertex - Direction, no commas - Family of directions - Plane, no commas - Family of planes - Always will be whole numbers. Fractions must be multiplied by LCM.
Equivalent directions are grouped into a family.
Direction families
- No of planes:
- No of planes:
- No of planes:
The above are the common directions. There are other directions as well.
Show the direction
To show the direction
Take the point
Close packed direction
All neighbour atoms in a direction touch each other. For example:
- If sitting on any axes, move the origin.
- Find the intercepts.
if parallel. - Find the reciprocals.
Plane families
- Denotes as
- No of planes:
- Denotes as
- No of planes:
- Denotes as
- No of planes:
The above are the common planes. There are other planes as well.
Show the plane
- Divide by the smallest non-zero number.
- Find the reciprocals.
means parallel to the axis.
Close packed plane
All neighbour atoms in a crystal plane touch each other. For example:
Planar Density / Aerial Density
Number of atoms in a unit area in a specific plane. Differs between different planes in a single crystal structure.